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A unique event on multilateral trade and regional synergies in Belgrade

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Under the title “Bilateral Cooperation and Regional Synergies”, an innovative business forum was organized in Belgrade, as part of the two-day “Go-International” Programme of Economic Cooperation organized by Eurobank EFG.

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“Go International“ brought together business people representing more than 300 enterprises from Serbia, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Russia, who realized more than 2.000 one-to-one meetings to explore business opportunities and conclude commercial and trade agreements.

The “Go International“ programme designed as an unique program of economic cooperation, organised under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the cooperation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Greek-Serbian Business Council, and implemented by Eurobank EFG group, in cooperation with three leading Greek business associations (PSE, SEVE and SEK).

The event has also been attended by the elite of the business community in Serbia, representatives of major business associations and the media, including the Minister of Economy and Regional Development Nebojša Ćirić, the President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Miloš Bugarin and the President of the Serbian Business Club “Privrednik” Branislav Grujić. Eurobank EFG group has been represented by Giorgio Pradelli, General Manager of the International Activities Division, Professor Gikas A. Hardouvelis, Chief Economist and Head of Economic Research at Eurobank EFG Group and Mr. Filippos Karamanolis, President of the Executive Board of Eurobank EFG Serbia.

“Serbia as a country represents an important hub for trade in the region due to its strategic geographical location, the positive future prospects of its economy (especially in view of EU convergence) and the advantageous commercial relationship with Russia and other markets due to the existing free-trade agreements. We are therefore proud to be hosting the 2nd «Go International» program in Belgrade”, said Philippos Karamanolis, President of the Executive Board of Eurobank EFG in his introductory speech.

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As one of the business forum panellists, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Miloš Bugarin underlined that global economy turmoil will not affect Serbia’s and Greece’s joint business plans, but instead it will invent new forms of cooperation and strengthen the ties between the two countries.

“Serbia has “used” the period of crisis to additionally increase the attractiveness of its market by expanding the existing and establishing new customs-free arrangements. Opportunities for further growth of volume and quality of trade exchange lie in the areas of agribusiness, tourism and innovation”, said Mr. Bugarin.

“Go International” is an innovative program of economic cooperation aimed at gradual growth and expansion in Central and Eastern Europe, namely in countries where Eurobank EFG group operates: Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey and Cyprus. Initiated by Eurobank EFG group, this unique program is organised for the second time, and the selection of Serbia as the host country, after Cyprus, is based its strategic location in the region, the prospects of its dynamic economy and market and its special commercial relations to the Russian market.

“This is technically the second of such delegation conferences, but in reality, this is simply the latest in a string of high-level bi- and multi-lateral meetings, aimed at strengthening business relationships throughout the region.The first “Go International” event in Cyprus has resulted in significantly increasing multilateral trade between Greece, Cyprus and the Middle Eastern countries, thus creating a unique business platform which we strongly believe that we can achieve in Serbia as well”, said Mr. Pradelli during the Belgrade event.

Eurobank EFG has entered the Serbian market in 2003 and in only a few years has managed to become one of the top five banks in the country, steadily expanding its operations with Serbian businesses, private customers and institutions. Eurobank EFG Group is one of the biggest investors in Serbia having invested more than 500 million Euros.

The full texts of speeches will be posted on, under the logo of Go InternationalUnder the title “Bilateral Cooperation and Regional Synergies”, an innovative business forum was organized in Belgrade, as part of the two-day “Go-International” Programme of Economic Cooperation organized by Eurobank EFG.

“Go International“ brought together business people representing more than 300 enterprises from Serbia, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro and Russia, who realized more than 2.000 one-to-one meetings to explore business opportunities and conclude commercial and trade agreements.

The “Go International“ programme designed as an unique program of economic cooperation, organised under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the cooperation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Greek-Serbian Business Council, and implemented by Eurobank EFG group, in cooperation with three leading Greek business associations (PSE, SEVE and SEK).

The event has also been attended by the elite of the business community in Serbia, representatives of major business associations and the media, including the Minister of Economy and Regional Development Nebojša Ćirić, the President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Miloš Bugarin and the President of the Serbian Business Club “Privrednik” Branislav Grujić. Eurobank EFG group has been represented by Giorgio Pradelli, General Manager of the International Activities Division, Professor Gikas A. Hardouvelis, Chief Economist and Head of Economic Research at Eurobank EFG Group and Mr. Filippos Karamanolis, President of the Executive Board of Eurobank EFG Serbia.

“Serbia as a country represents an important hub for trade in the region due to its strategic geographical location, the positive future prospects of its economy (especially in view of EU convergence) and the advantageous commercial relationship with Russia and other markets due to the existing free-trade agreements. We are therefore proud to be hosting the 2nd «Go International» program in Belgrade”, said Philippos Karamanolis, President of the Executive Board of Eurobank EFG in his introductory speech.

As one of the business forum panellists, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Miloš Bugarin underlined that global economy turmoil will not affect Serbia’s and Greece’s joint business plans, but instead it will invent new forms of cooperation and strengthen the ties between the two countries.

“Serbia has “used” the period of crisis to additionally increase the attractiveness of its market by expanding the existing and establishing new customs-free arrangements. Opportunities for further growth of volume and quality of trade exchange lie in the areas of agribusiness, tourism and innovation”, said Mr. Bugarin.

“Go International” is an innovative program of economic cooperation aimed at gradual growth and expansion in Central and Eastern Europe, namely in countries where Eurobank EFG group operates: Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey and Cyprus. Initiated by Eurobank EFG group, this unique program is organised for the second time, and the selection of Serbia as the host country, after Cyprus, is based its strategic location in the region, the prospects of its dynamic economy and market and its special commercial relations to the Russian market.

“This is technically the second of such delegation conferences, but in reality, this is simply the latest in a string of high-level bi- and multi-lateral meetings, aimed at strengthening business relationships throughout the region.The first “Go International” event in Cyprus has resulted in significantly increasing multilateral trade between Greece, Cyprus and the Middle Eastern countries, thus creating a unique business platform which we strongly believe that we can achieve in Serbia as well”, said Mr. Pradelli during the Belgrade event.

Eurobank EFG has entered the Serbian market in 2003 and in only a few years has managed to become one of the top five banks in the country, steadily expanding its operations with Serbian businesses, private customers and institutions. Eurobank EFG Group is one of the biggest investors in Serbia having invested more than 500 million Euros.

The full texts of speeches will be posted on, under the logo of Go International



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