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Contracts for economic empowerment of women in Serbia

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Contracts for the implementation of projects in the field of economic empowerment of women worth about 133 thousand euros were handed over in the Government of Serbia for four associations.
The agreements were handed over by the Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Coordination Body for Gender Equality, Zorana Mihajlovic, and the Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimovic.
The contracts were handed over to the women’s association “Let’s save the village” from Priboj for projects to improve the position of women in the countryside, to the association of gipsy women “Osvit” to support the employment of members of the gipsy community.
The association “From the Circle – Belgrade” for the empowerment of women with disabilities for employment and self-employment and the association of citizens “Amity” for projects to improve the status of women were also supported.
Within the IPA project “Key Steps to Gender Equality”, the Coordination Body for Gender Equality in cooperation with UN Women, and with the financial support of the EU, for the third year supports associations and civil society organizations working to improve the economic situation of women, Dnevnik reports.

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Serbia Energy News