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40,000 safe deposit box users registered in Serbia

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At this moment, about 40,000 users of safes are registered in the Unified Register of Safes, they say in the National Bank of Serbia.
We remind you that from June 1, the NBS keeps a single register of safes. The register contains data on users of safes maintained by banks.
The Unified Register of Safes does not keep data on the contents of safes.
If the user of the boss is a natural person, the unique register of safes contains personal data about the user, the date of conclusion and termination of the contract on the safe, as well as the period for which the contract was concluded. Then information on the status of the safe deposit box, whether it is active, whether there is a ban on disposing of or terminating the safe deposit box contract.
Similar information is required in case the user of the safe is a legal entity.
Banks are obliged to submit this data electronically to the National Bank of Serbia.
The data from the Unified Register of Safes are not publicly available and the regulations governing banking secrecy and personal data protection apply to them.
The National Bank of Serbia shall provide that insight to the bodies and persons authorized to inspect the data from the Unified Register of Safes exclusively through a special application solution, based on the received request signed by a qualified electronic signature.
These data may be provided to courts and other competent bodies, except through a special application decision, on the basis of a written request, in accordance with the law, Nova Ekonomija reports.

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Serbia Energy News