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In the past ten years, America has been increasingly present in Serbia

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The Minister of Construction, Zorana Mihajlovic, stated that the agreement signed in Washington is of great importance for the economy of Serbia.
“Diplomatic relations with the United States have lasted for 139 years. With this agreement, we are further improving our relations. The American Development Agency was in Serbia in February, and then we discussed large infrastructure projects that are part of this economic agreement, the Nis-Merdare highway. Pristina and the railway to Pristina. The value of these investments is 3.7 billion euros. If we add the high-speed Belgrade-Nish railway, the investments will exceed 5.5 billion euros,” she said in the morning program of Happy Television.
Mihajlovic also reminded that the previous American investments amount to one billion dollars, and that more than 20,000 people are employed.
“In the past ten years, America has been more and more present in Serbia, thanks to President Vucic’s foreign policy. We are an unavoidable route and we should use it to make our people live better. The American development agency has the opportunity to invest 60 billion dollars outside the United States, we need to get the most important thing out of it for us, and that is to build the infrastructure,” Mihajlovic added.
The Deputy Prime Minister also said that the most important thing for Serbia is to connect with the region, and that President Vucic has been pursuing such a policy for years.
“Our country has shown that it is open and that our priority is to connect with the region. Today in Serbia we have investments of everyone – from European, Chinese, Russian, to American. Billions of euros are in investments and everyone wants to work here, offering the best conditions,” she said, B92 reports.

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Serbia Energy News