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Serbia will have 22 wind generators up to 205 meters high

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The construction of the wind farm “Krivaca” is planned on the territory of three municipalities in eastern Serbia.
The area of the planned wind farm covers an area of about 242.16 hectares, which is located within the municipalities of Golubac, Kucevo and Veliko Gradiste, according to the updated Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the project for construction of the wind farm “Krivaca” in the municipalities of Golubac and Kucevo.
According to the updated study, instead of the originally planned 38 wind generators, 22 will be built. The reason for the construction of a smaller number of wind generators is not to exceed the total installed capacity of the wind farm “Krivaca” of 103.32 MW.
“From the above, the project holder approaches the update of the Environmental Impact Assessment Study, which will include only the construction of 22 wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 103.32 MW at the point of taking over electricity by EMS,” the updated study reads.
According to the updated plan, wind turbines of higher installed power, higher column heights and larger blade diameters will be installed, compared to the wind turbines that were originally planned.
Wind turbines will have a capacity of up to 5.8 MW. The wind generator will be equipped with a three-bladed propeller with a maximum diameter of 155 meters, and the maximum total height of the wind generator will be up to 205 meters.
The environment of the planned wind farm “Krivaca” is a sparsely populated area with low housing densities, so no negative impacts caused by activities in populated areas in the area are expected. The area is also located at a safe distance from the border of the National Park “Djerdap”.
No indicators of terrain instability, landslides, terrain subsidence, erosion have been identified in the area of the Krivača wind farm. The bearing capacity of the terrain is satisfactory, based on the performed geomechanical research.
Also, from the aspect of general characteristics and features of the area, based on edificators in the area and surroundings, the location is environmentally friendly from the aspect of planning and implementation of wind farm “Krivaca” with mandatory environmental protection and monitoring measures, especially those related to bird protection and bats, B92 reports.

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Serbia Energy News