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The Oil Industry of Serbia has adopted the budget for 2021

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Board of Directors of NIS a.d. Novi Sad has adopted a Business Plan for 2021 with the aim of ensuring the stable operation of the company and the implementation of key projects in challenging macroeconomic conditions, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The business plan for 2021 confirms the continuation of the realization of key development projects of NIS and the investment program worth 175 million euros in the next year. Most investments will be made in the field of oil and gas exploration and production, further modernization of NIS processing capacities and development of the retail network in Serbia and the region. In addition, NIS will continue to implement the process of digital transformation in all areas of business, and one of the priorities will be the improvement of environmental protection, as well as increasing safety at work.
Of the specific projects, in 2021 it is planned to put into operation the Thermal Power Plant-Heating Plant Pancevo (capacity up to 200 MW), a project that NIS is implementing in cooperation with the company “Gazprom energoholding”. The new power plant will produce heat and electricity primarily for the needs of the Pancevo Oil Refinery, while part of the produced electricity will be directed to the energy system of Serbia.
In the field of research and production, the focus will be on the most promising projects in Serbia, Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. When it comes to the modernization of the Pancevo Oil Refinery, the priority is to start activities that will enable the FCC reconstruction project (catalytic cracking plant) and the construction of a new ETBE plant (high-octane gasoline components), which will be realized in the coming years. In the field of transport, most investments will be made in the modernization of the retail network in Serbia and the region, as well as the beginning of the project for the reconstruction of the NIS warehouse.
In the next year, NIS will continue to implement a program to increase operational efficiency, as one of the measures to overcome unfavorable macroeconomic trends. Also, the session discussed various crisis scenarios in case of prolongation of negative market trends, Novosti reports.

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Serbia Energy News