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The historical maximum was reached on the Product Stock Market of Serbia

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The price of soybeans and futures contracts for sunflower this week are breaking historical highs on the Product Stock Market.
The total turnover increased by 14 percent, and the value of the traded goods by 46 percent.
According to the website of the Product Stock Market, the price of soybeans reached 70 cents, without VAT and quality calculation, which is the maximum, not only this year, but ever recorded. The soybean was the most sought-after stock exchange commodity, with a quantity of 1,720 tons. Some of the main reasons for this demand are certainly the international market and prices, but also domestic factors in the domestic market.
– The price of soybeans during the week ranged from 65 to 70 cents – it is stated in the report of the Product Stock Market. – The weighted price was 70 cents, without VAT, which is an increase of 5.75 percent. Forward contracts for sunflowers in 2021 were realized at a single price of 410 euros per ton, with the delivery of goods during September. The price is above all expectations, but it is now up to the farmers to decide whether to sell part of the future crop, Novosti reports.

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Serbia Energy News