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The Oil Industry of Serbia continues to develop the Obudovac project in Republika Srpska

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The Oil Industry of Serbia (NIS) has successfully implemented a seismic research project in the Posavina region, near the village of Obudovac, in the municipalities of Samac, Pelagicevo and Donji Zabari in the Republika Srpska (BiH), whose goal is to find new oil and gas reserves. In that way, NIS continued with the development of the Obudovac project, and in addition to performing geophysical tests (2D seismics), the adopted investment program also plans to drill a contour-exploration well in this area at the end of 2021.
As part of the project, geophysical tests were conducted in an area of 135 kilometers, in the area of the village of Obudovac, and the works were completed in the first half of April. The research was carried out by Naftagas Naftni servisi of NIS using modern equipment for recording seismic data. The works were carried out in accordance with strict environmental standards, while respecting the highest standards in the field of safety and health at work. Also, before the start of the project, the representatives of the company informed the local self-government and the locals in detail about the activities that are performed on the plots for which the consent of the owner has been obtained. 2D seismic surveys measure the speed of propagation of seismic waves on the basis of which the position of potential oil and gas deposits will be defined. After the completion of geophysical research, the processing and interpretation of 2D seismic data follows in order to discover new oil and gas reserves.
NIS is realizing works in the field of exploration and production of oil and gas on the territory of Republika Srpska through the subsidiary “Jadran-Naftagas”, which has a concession for exploration and production of hydrocarbons (crude oil and gas) on the entire territory of Republika Srpska. The main task and goal of “Jadran-Naftagas” is to discover commercial oil and gas reserves in order to start commercial production on the territory of Republika Srpska.
In order to further improve the partnership with the residents of Obudovac and the local self-government of the municipality of Samac, NIS and “Jadran-Naftagas” financed the arrangement of a children’s playground in this village at the end of December 2020.
In 2013, the first exploration “Ob-2” was drilled in the village of Obudovac, and a year later, during the testing, oil was obtained, the quality of which was tested in the laboratories of the Scientific and Technological Center of NIS in Novi Sad. It has been determined that this is oil that is already present in the Pannonian Basin, and similar types of oil are produced in Serbia. By analyzing and defining all the parameters of the deposit during the trial operation of the well “Ob-2” from August 2019 to the end of 2020, the conditions for further development of the project “Obudovac” in 2021 and 2022 were met. NIS has provided funds for the new investment cycle, and the deadlines will depend on the conditions related to the pandemic of the new corona virus, Politika reports.

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Serbia Energy News