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What does the new regulation on subsidies for environmental vehicles in Serbia bring?

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The Government of Serbia recently adopted the Decree on the conditions and manner of conducting the subsidized purchase of new electric and hybrid vehicles.
Legal entities, entrepreneurs and natural persons have the right to subsidized vehicle purchase, except for taxi drivers who have already received subsidies for the purchase of new taxi vehicles.
Subsidies for the purchase of mopeds and light tricycles will amount to 250 euros, and for motorcycles, heavy tricycles, as well as light and heavy quadricycles – 500 euros.
For vehicles for the transport of persons with a maximum of nine seats, as well as for trucks with a mass not exceeding 3.7 tons, and which have exclusively electric drive, state subsidies amount to 5,000 euros in dinars at the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia payment of the purchase price.
The request for subsidized purchase of a new vehicle is submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection by October 31, 2022, eKapija reports.

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Serbia Energy News