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Drought decimated corn yields

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Corn producers in Serbia warned that, due to the drought, the condition of corn is very bad and that it will repeat itself in 2017, when the average yield was around three tons per hectare.

The President of the Association of Farmers “Stig” Nedeljko Savić told Beta that, judging by the undeveloped corn stalk, this year’s yield will be the same as in 2017, when on his property he had 1.5 to two tons per hectare, and how much the fact that in 2020 the average crop was 10.5 tons illustrates that.

“Rainfalls were not uniform in Serbia, and somewhere there will be a good yield of corn for these conditions, and somewhere not even 300 kilograms per hectare,” said Savić.

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He added that the estimated yields will be even lower because, according to forecasts, it will not rain for the next ten days.

Revenues are nowhere near zero

“Some producers have started cutting the green mass for silage and say that it is very scarce because there are no grains,” said Savić.

He pointed out that the sowing of corn per hectare cost him 120,000 dinars and that with this year’s crop it will not be “close to zero, that is, covering costs”.

Even sunflower, for which the soil in Stig is suitable due to significant amounts of potassium, did not pass without the consequences of the drought and the yield on the Savić estate is about two tons, and in 2020 it was four tons.

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The president of the Independent Association of Serbian Farmers, Jovica Jakšić, said that corn in Banat is looking bad and that if the dry period continues, yields will be record low.

“Rain could help the early varieties of corn that managed to pollinate, and the varieties that partially pollinated, or not at all, can’t help much,” said Jakšić.

Corn yields this year, he said, will be around two tons in the most fertile land, and for comparison, record yields are from 14 to 16 tons per hectare.

The president of the association of farmers “Pančevački ratari”, Jovan Negovan, said that the corn, which had five or six leaves dried from the ground, “ended its career”.

“There are few fields under corn in our area that are promising at the moment, and that means nothing because rainfall is not announced until the end of the month and the corn will deteriorate more and more, and the damage will increase,” Negovan said, BizLife reports.

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Serbia Energy News