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Free zone Pirot among best zones globally

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According to the ranking done by Financial Times’ fDi Magazine, Free Zone Pirot is holding the 41st place on the list of world’s Top 50 free zones and is one of the most successful free zones in the world.

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More than 600 free zones across 120 countries were invited by fDi Magazine to complete a survey requesting both qualitative and quantitative data. The information collected was set under five categories: incentives, facilities, cost-effectiveness, transportation and best FDI promotion.

Free Zone Pirot CEO Dragan Kostic said that they were pleasantly surprised with fDi Magazine’s ranking, and that “Free Zone Pirot is modeled after the best free zones in the world. This is going to be our reference for all future investors and it also gives us an extra strength to keep going down the right path”, said Kostic.

He added that Free Zone Pirot had exported €200 million worth of goods in 2011, reporting a turnover of €450 million. Another free zone from Serbia is well ranked – Free Zone Ecka ranks 48th.

(Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency – SIEPA)

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