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Markovic: no obstacles for Russian credit for railways

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There are no more obstacles for the realization of the Russian credit of 800 million dollars, aimed at the reconstruction of the Serbian railroads, stated director general of the Serbian Railways company Milovan Markovic.

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According to him, it is certain that the envisaged projects for the modernization of the railways infrastructure will be realized in line with the planned dynamics. Markovic has added that the documentation and all other aspects have been prepared as agreed with Russian partners. He has explained that it is planned for the projects to be completed in the next five years, and that Serbia partakes with 15% of the total value of works, i.e. wit h120 million dollars.

The protocol on the conditions of the Russian credit envisages the annual interest of 4.1% and the pay-off period of 10 years, with the grace period of four years.

Source Voiceofserbia

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