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Germany strategic partner of Serbia

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First Deputy Prime Minister responsible for defence, security and the fight against corruption and crime and Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vucic met yesterday in Berlin with Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economy and Technology Philipp Rosler.

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During the talks, Vucic pointed to the importance of further strengthening of political dialogue between Serbia and Germany at the highest level and expressed interest in intensifying cooperation between the two countries’ parliaments.

He underlined the importance of improving economic relations in the field of energy, infrastructure and car industry.

Vucic pointed out to his German colleagues the importance of Germany’s support to Serbia on its path to the EU.

Serbia is resolved to improve economic cooperation and is committed to implementing reforms, strengthening the rule of law and fighting crime and systemic corruption, the First Deputy Prime Minister stated.

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Rosler stressed that Germany and German companies are interested in promoting cooperation with Serbia, noting that Serbia is expected to strengthen the legal framework for business operation and achieving macroeconomic stability.

After the meeting, the two officials signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the energy field.

The agreement was signed by representatives of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) and Germany’s RWE (Rheinisch – Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk), in the presence of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Serbia and Germany.

With the highest state honours, Vucic will be welcomed by Parliamentary State Secretary Christian Schmidt on behalf of the German Minister of Defence.

At the beginning of his visit to Germany, the First Deputy Prime Minister met with Deputy Secretary General of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Gerhard Wahlers.

Source Serbia Gov.

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Serbia Energy News