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Serbian, German power companies sign MoU

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Aleksandar Vučić said Monday in Berlin that he expects cooperation between the two countries in the fields of energy, and other areas to significantly deepen.

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Serbian first deputy PM made the comment after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) and German electric utilities company RWE and talks with German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Philipp Roesler.

Germany has insisted on the functioning of the rule of law and the existence of good conditions for investors, Vučić said.

What we could ask is that Germany start the implementation of this Memorandum as soon as possible, to complete all related bureaucratic procedures as soon as possible and to start the building of Nikola Tesla Thermal Power Plant 3, which is vital for us, Vučić said.

He pointed out that after the memorandum on energy cooperation is supported not only by EPS, but also the entire Serbian government.

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We are very pleased with the discussions with Vice Chancellor Philipp Roesler. I think we achieved a good deal both economically and politically, he said.
EPS, RWE sign Memorandum of Understanding

Representatives of a German electric utilities company RWE and the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding and strategic partnership in Berlin on Monday, in the presence of Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, German Vice Chancellor Philipp Roesler and Serbian Energy Minister Zorana Mihailović.

The document was signed by EPS Acting Director Aleksandar Obradović and RWE CEO Peter Terium.

By signing this memorandum, Serbia’s electric power industry has got itself a partner in this Essen-based company, one of the largest electric utilities companies in Europe, whose investments total billions of euros. RWE’s business orientation is a shift from nuclear to renewable energy, not only in its strategy on the domestic market, but also on foreign markets.

Obradovic told Tanjug that the document consists of two parts – the first one refers to development of Serbia’s hydro-potentials on main rivers, while the second is related to possibilities to develop the country’s thermal power plants and the thermal power plant Nikola Tesla 3.

The memorandum was signed after Vučić’s meeting with Roesler, dedicated primarily to strengthening and establishing new business relations between the two countries’ economies.

Vučić is paying an officials visit to Germany, his first one since the forming of the new government of Serbia.

Source B92

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