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List of first 75 fees, taxes to be revoked as of 1 October announced

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The Ministry of Finance and Economy announced on its website the list of first fees and taxes that will be revoked as of 1 October in order to relieve the economy and citizens.
The Ministry says in a statement that the government will revoke approximately 130 various taxes, adding that at yesterday’s session the government adopted the proposal to revoke 75 fees and taxes.

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As of 1 October 300,000 entrepreneurs and owners of small enterprises will no longer have to pay the communal tax on business signs, which will help them save up to RSD 200,000 annually.

For instance, come October, entrepreneurs in Belgrade will no longer have to pay the communal tax on displaying their business signs which alone ranged from RSD 24,000 to RSD 120,000 annually, depending on the town zone and the type of the company’s activity.

Other important taxes whose abolition was proposed are the communal tax on vessels and similar objects, which will considerably relieve citizens who own boats, stilt houses and other floating objects, and the tax on restaurants and other catering facilities on water.

SMEs will be further disburdened by repealing the tax on the use of display cabinets outside their business premises which used to be charged RSD 3,000–16,000 per square metre a month, depending on the town zone.

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The tax on pets and exotic animals and the tax on music devices and musical performances in catering facilities will also be revoked.

Citizens will have lower costs when registering their automobiles. Depending on the town in question, these costs will be reduced by RSD 2,000 to RSD 4,000 thanks to the abolishment of several state taxes and the reduction of few local ones.

Vehicle registration will be simplified and will require only one payment slip, instead of the current 12.

Among the revoked fees are a number of those that will enable farmers to carry out their work in a less complicated way, reads the statement adding that in the period ahead the Ministry will regularly update the legal announcements concerning the business environment in Serbia.

Source Serbia Gov.

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