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Germany one of Serbia’s key economic partners

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First Deputy Prime Minister responsible for defence, security and the fight against corruption and crime and Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vucic met yesterday with German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Dirk Niebel and stressed that Serbia is interested in advancing their economic cooperation and ready for new German investments.

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At the end of his two-day visit to Germany, Vucic thanked Niebel for his country’s support to Serbia on its EU path, adding that Germany is one of Serbia’s key economic partners.

The meeting discussed the possibilities of economic cooperation, especially in the energy sector, as well as the implementation of the Memorandum of understanding signed by the representatives of the two countries in Berlin.

Niebel confirmed that for Germany Serbia is the key country in the region and expressed the readiness of his country for further investments in the field of energy in Serbia in order to improve energy efficiency and transmission network in the region.

Source Serbia Gov.

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Serbia Energy News