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Belgrade join Italian project eco-friendly tourism

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Serbia has become the first country in eastern Europe to join the international environmental project titled “EcoDots – Europe Green Travel”, the project’s coordinators have announced. The project is aimed at connecting tourists, medium-sized, small and micro enterprises in the hospitality sector, as well as tour operators and local communities, and promoting sustainable tourism in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia and Serbia. EcoDots builds upon the Viaggi Verdi website, which was developed in an effort to boost eco-friendly tourism in Italy.

As part of the project, the web booking will be introduced for ‘green’ trips, the long-term goal being to involve as many countries as possible in Europe and the entire world. The coordinator of the project is non-governmental organization Le Citta Invisibili from Italy, and Serbian partners to the project are the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications and the Center for Research and Development Projects EcoDev.

Source ANSAmed

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