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Consumption per capita at 43% of EU average – Eurostat

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Consumption expenditure per capita in Serbia totalled 43 percent of the EU average in 2013, the assessments of the European Statistical Office of the EU Eurostat show.

Supermarket-store-market-bread-1 Actual individual consumption per capita, as the indicator of the household financial standing which is expressed through the purchasing power standards, ranged from the lowest 49 percent of the EU average in Bulgaria to the highest 138 percent of the EU average in Luxembourg in 2013.

At the same time, Eurostat released the data on GDP per capita which points to substantial differences among EU members.

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In 2013, GDP per capita ranged from as few as 47 percent of the EU average for Bulgaria to 264 percent of the EU average for Luxembourg.

Serbia’s GDP per capita totalled 36 percent of the EU average and among the countries in the region, Hungary recorded GDP per capita to 67 percent of the EU average, Slovenia’s GDP per capita totalled 83 percent of the EU average, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania recorded GDP per capita worth 54 percent of the EU average, Montenegro’s GDP per capita added up to 42 percent of the EU average, Macedonia’s GDP per capita totalled 35 percent of the EU average while the figure in BiH added up to 29 percent of the EU average, Eurostat assessments show.

Source in Serbia

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