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Economic and political cooperation between Serbia and D.R of Congo

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Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremic and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Alexis Mwamba announced that Belgrade and Kinshasa will work on improving economic and political cooperation, and that a joint mixed commission of the two countries will be formed.

After talks with Mwamba, Jeremic thanked Congo on its principled support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.

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The Congo has been unsuccessfully pressurised to change its position on Kosovo, he recalled.

Jeremic added that he and his colleague talked about economic cooperation, especially in agriculture.

Mwamba expressed satisfaction that Serbia will reopen its embassy in Kinshasa that was closed several years ago.

He said that the Congo, although it reduced the number of diplomatic missions in the world, decided to keep its embassy in Belgrade, which will represent the interests of that country and neighbouring countries.

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This shows the importance that we attach to relations with Serbia, said Mwamba, adding that he and Jeremic reached an agreement to form a mixed commission which will deal with bilateral political and economic issues.


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