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Government adopts Law on Planning and Construction

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The government on Thusday adopted the Bill amending the Law on Planning and Construction.

The adoption of these changes will create the conditions for faster and more efficient implementation of infrastructure projects that are of importance for the Republic of Serbia, primarily in the phase of preparation for the construction of new highways and modernization of railways, the government has announced.

The proposed amendments to the law will enable the resolution of property-legal relations and the elimination of problems encountered in the expropriation process, which is long-lasting for liner infrastructure facilities (roads, railways), takes place simultaneously with the execution of works.

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This will enable faster issuance of the building permit, without violating the rights of the real estate owners that are the subject of expropriation.

The adoption of amendments to the law is important for accelerating the implementation of projects from the new investment cycle, whose total value is more than €5 billion.

The new investment cycle includes, among others, projects in road and rail transport, such as the construction of the Preljina-Pozega highway, the Moravian corridor (Pojate-Preljina highway), the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway, highways and highways Ruma-Sabac-Loznica, as well as the construction of the Belgrade-Budapest highway and the reconstruction of the Nis-Dimitrovgrad railroad.

Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News