EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstrom has said that reducing the problem of false asylum seekers was being discussed with Serbia and Macedonia.
She noted that the envisaged new emergency measures were not directed at any particular country, including Serbia and Macedonia.
She underscored that the European Commission was proposing a new mechanism and “a safeguard clause” for the visa-free regime which some countries enjoy with the EU, in the event that an “exceptional and challenging situation” were to arise.
Earlier, officials said that the new mechanism would only be used in the event of a mass influx of migrants or if the security of the EU was threatened.
Malmstrom explained that the mechanism, which will be put to the Council of Ministers for consideration on June 9, means that first detailed talks would be held with countries which enjoy a visa-free regime with EU in order to reduce the problem.
She also underlined that visas would only be reintroduced as a last resort.