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NGOs believe that a Serbian lithium mine would cause the collapse of agriculture

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Several non-governmental organizations estimated today that the lithium mine of the company “Rio Tinto”, in the vicinity of Loznica, would endanger the water in the Drina river basin and cause a “collapse of agriculture”.
“The lithium mine would endanger the water of the Drina basin. If the mine is opened, the only question is when the ecocide will happen and when we will get Drina water contaminated with heavy metals and sulfuric acids,” the organization opposing the construction of the lithium mine said.
Among these associations are “Let’s protect Jadar and Radjevina”, the organization “Earth Thrive” and “Eko-put Bijeljina”.
They also called on other organizations and communities to oppose the project of lithium exploitation in the valley of the river Jadar and similar projects which, as they stated, “do not respect” human rights and nature.
These non-governmental organizations will present today, at the online Assembly of Shareholders of the company “Rio Tinto”, the reasons why the lithium mine is “undesirable and harmful”, Novi Magazin reports.

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Serbia Energy News