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PM brings together large companies and startups

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Representatives of the economy and large domestic companies, and of startups and innovative companies developing hardware and equipment have met in Belgrade.

The meeting on Tuesday at the Scientific and Technology Park was initiated by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, the government has announced.

The first in a series of meetings was organized to discuss ways to collaborate in order to increase the production of solutions that startup and innovation companies are developing, as well as support for market finding.

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The goal of the meeting was also that the Prime Minister hears from representatives of the business how the state can help develop the production capacities of start-up companies, and that new start-ups connect with big businesses in order to create together a kind of ecosystem that supports innovation in Serbia.

Brnabic stressed that her mission is to support local businessmen and young talented people to create new value in their country and place their innovations on the world market.

Our goal, as she underlined, is that the Serbian economy is based on the knowledge economy, new technologies and creative industries that enable well-paid professions and long-term sustainable economic growth.

The government cannot do this alone, it is necessary for us to connect the economy and the innovators, the Prime Minister emphasized.

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Brnabic underlined that innovation and the ICT sector are one of the main drivers of Serbia’s economic growth from 20 percent annually, while the ICT sector’s share of GDP is about 5 percent.

According to Brnabic, in order to increase this effect, the state modernizes and reforms the education system in line with the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution.

Brnabic reminded that the Serbian government strongly supports the work of science and technology parks and that, in addition to the support of Belgrade park, it is building a new science and technology in Novi Sad, and that the construction of a new science and technology in Nis should start in August this year.

Also, she added that the government, with the support of the European Investment Bank (EIB), invests more than €60 million in infrastructure projects that will support the development of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Belgrade new science and technology operates around 60 high-tech startups with more than 500 engineers who turn their knowledge, ideas and creativity into new technological products and services in the fields of medicine, agriculture, industry, finance.

Source; B92

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