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Serbia announced the possibility that the increase in pensions will follow the growth of salaries

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, stated today that he will try to ensure that the increase in pensions in the future follows the growth of salaries.
At the session of the Main Board of the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS), Vucic said that pensions are the largest in the modern history of Serbia today, which, as he added, does not mean that they do not have to grow faster.
He said that he understood well the key request that the president of PUPS, Milan Krkobabic, made at the session of the Main Board, and that is that pensions follow the growth of salaries.
“I am not sure that it will be able to be like that one hundred percent, and you have my promise that I will try,” said Vucic.
He thanked PUPS and its members for everything they have done since participating in government with the Serbian Progressive Party.
“There is an incredible paradox in Serbia, because trying to create a future for our children, we had the greatest support from the oldest,” said Vucic.
He added that the oldest are the silent majority of people who complain the least and who whine the least.
“They always have the most understanding for the state, they understand all foreign policy aspects and the need to preserve the independence and freedom of Serbia, but there are also people who understand economic problems,” Vucic said.
According to him, pensioners understand well that if the economy is bad, obligations cannot be paid, and they are always ready to be “on the defense of the homeland”.
“I am infinitely grateful to the oldest citizens, I am also grateful to PUPS because, when it was difficult, they understood well what we were doing,” said Vucic, Beta reports.

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Serbia Energy News