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Serbia Asks Five Local Banks to Disclose Shareholders Lists

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Serbia’s central bank asked five local banks to disclose detailed lists of their shareholders as it increases control of the banking industry.

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The Belgrade-based Narodna Banka Srbije gave Privredna Banka AD (PRBN), Cacanska Banka AD (CCNB), Komercijalna Banka AD (KMBN), JUBMES Banka AD (JMBN) and AIK Banka AD (AIKB) an Aug. 31 deadline to list the identity of people behind custody accounts, as well as their shareholdings, the central bank said in an e-mail statement today. Only AIK Banka has no state-held stake.

Custody ownership accounts for an 8.23 percent interest in Privredna Banka, a 5.73 percent stake in Cacanska Banka, 5.24 percent in Komercijalna, 11.26 percent in JUBMES and 13.4 percent in AIK Banka, according to the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House.

The central bank will also step up control of banks with a certain level of credit risk and where their ownership creates difficulty controlling management, the National Bank of Serbia said. The central bank stepped up its oversight of lenders on July 19 after identifying growing risks in the second quarter of 2012 following the collapse of Agrobanka AD.

Razvojna Banka Vojvodine (MTBN), the Novi Sad-based bank which “has relied on significant state aid in the past” has also been subject to credit-worthiness control, the bank said. Razvojna Banka Vojvodine reported a 6.8 billion dinars ($72.19 million) loss in the second quarter of 2012, after a 92.7 million dinar profit in the first three months of the year, according to central bank data.

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Goran Kostic, a board member at Razvojna, told reporters in Belgrade today the bank’s loan portfolio contained 62 percent of non-performing loans, defined as loan repayments that are late by 90 days or more.

Source Businessweek

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