Agricultural land in Serbia has seen significant variations in prices, with the most expensive plot of 249 hectares in Vrbas allocated 3.5 million euros. In contrast, the highest-priced square meter of agricultural land, situated in Rumenka, cost 50 euros, covering an area of 19,970 square meters.
According to the latest data from the Republic Geodetic Institute (RGZ) for the fourth quarter of the previous year, the market value of agricultural land recorded a substantial year-on-year increase of 38 percent. This growth is attributed to the total increase in the value of turnover for agricultural land transactions during the mentioned period compared to the same quarter in the previous year.
The data reveals 7,488 contracts for the sale of agricultural land in the fourth quarter, marking an increase from the previous year’s 6,926 contracts. Vojvodina witnessed the most significant trading activity, particularly in the Juznobački district, where the most expensive hectare reached 35,100 euros, and the most transactions were conducted.
The regional disparities in land prices persist, with southern and eastern Serbia having the cheapest hectare at 350 euros, while the Južnobački district reported a minimum of 3,500 euros per hectare, averaging at 17,400 euros. The Srem district showcased a range from 1,500 euros to 31,950 euros per hectare, averaging at 13,900 euros. In the Zapadnobački district, prices ranged from 1,800 euros to 25,000 euros per hectare, with an average of 12,250 euros. South Banat and North Banat districts reported similar price ranges, varying between 1,200 euros and 24,000 euros per hectare, with an average value of 10,000 euros. The Central Banat district had the cheapest land in Vojvodina, with the most expensive hectare at 18,100 euros, the lowest at 1,100 euros, and an average value of 9,700 euros.
In the overall real estate market, apartment sales dominated, accounting for 51 percent of the total value traded at 871.5 million euros. Houses, construction land, business premises, and agricultural land constituted 8 percent (EUR 134.1 million), 8 percent (EUR 131 million), 6 percent (EUR 100.7 million), and 5 percent (EUR 80 million) of the total value, respectively.