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Overview of fruit orchards and vineyards in Serbia: Insights from the 2023 agricultural census

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In Serbia, there are approximately 214,330 hectares of land dedicated to orchards and vineyards, as reported in the brochure released by the Republic Statistical Office, Census of Agriculture 2023. Plum orchards dominate the landscape, covering the largest portion of the fruit-growing areas. Following closely are apple orchards, occupying 13.2% of the fruit-growing land, while raspberries and pears hold the third and fourth positions, respectively, with 9.5% and 3.1% of the land area. Among the top five municipalities with significant raspberry production, Ivanjica leads with 2,041 hectares, followed by Arilje, Bajina Bašta, Užice and Prijepolje.

Regarding vineyard production, the data indicates that grape varieties suitable for wines with geographical indications constitute the majority, representing 57% of vineyard cultivation. This is followed by grape varieties for wines without geographical indications, along with table grapes and grapes intended for other purposes.

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