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Serbian Government adopts strategic plan for EU Fund management and green bonds framework

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During today’s session, the Government of Serbia endorsed the Strategic Plan for Combating Fraud and Managing Irregularities in Handling EU Financial Resources for the Period 2024-2026.

In alignment with its aspirations to modernize and align with European standards, the EU provides advisory and financial aid to candidate countries like Serbia. These funds, sourced from pre-accession funds such as IPA, aim to facilitate necessary reforms, harmonize national legislation with EU standards, and enhance judicial system efficacy. The Serbian government is committed to ensuring responsible fund utilization and has pledged to establish a robust control system to promptly detect potential irregularities and fraud.

Additionally, the government passed a resolution adopting the framework document for issuing green and socially sustainable bonds. This move supports a novel financing approach that prioritizes environmental preservation and social inclusion. The adoption of this framework aligns with Serbia’s commitment to implementing activities outlined in the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, signifying its dedication to sustainability efforts in the region.

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