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Serbia has achieved the best result in Europe with a responsible economic policy

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Today, the Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali pointed out that the Republic of Serbia will have the best result in terms of the growth rate in Europe, and reminded that from January 1, pensions, minimum wages, salaries in the public sector will be increased, but also continued investment in large projects.
He said that Serbia was preparing as if the crisis would occur at any moment, building its economy, taking care of every dinar, and that it was no coincidence that we did not experience the worst-case scenario, like many countries, due to the corona virus pandemic.
“When there is the biggest economic crisis, we show results, and neither does President Aleksandar Vucic, nor does Sinisa Mali, but the European Commission (EC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) say that our results are such that we will have the smallest decline in Europe in 2020, ie the largest GDP growth in the next two years,” said Mali as a guest on Happy TV.
The Minister reminded that we entered the biggest crisis that the world faced with low public debt, surplus in the treasury and high growth rates, which is why the state was able to help citizens and the economy for the first time.
“That is exactly what influenced us to have the best result in terms of economic growth in Europe. But, nothing is accidental, because you remember the reforms, what President Vucic did while he was still the Prime Minister in 2014, when our country started difficult reforms, that is, when we were forced to reduce pensions and salaries, when it was adopted. Those from the previous government left us that, because after them there was no money for pensions, salaries, or development, then we did not have a credit rating,” he stated.
“When did that happen in history? We are pursuing such an economic policy that the share of public debt in GDP is not growing. We will have a three percent deficit next year, but everything can be packed into the budget, if you know what you are doing, when you have no hidden motives, when money does not go anywhere,” he said, adding that their projected cumulative growth also shows that we are firmly in the first place place in Europe.
Referring to the budget for next year, the Minister of Finance said that it was planned to be adopted by the Government by the end of the week.
“When you take care of that, when you know that these are your priorities, then you don’t have to travel or buy a car, you already have what is the basis of your policy. After all, what citizens see is either through better and safer roads that you are building, or through an increase in salaries,” said Mali.
He added that in addition to the budget for next year, the Government will also have the Draft Law on Fiscalization, because it strives to achieve communication with the Tax Administration in real time.
“That will enable us to see if there is a tax evasion. We will also have the Law on e-invoices, which stipulates that there will be a system connection from January 1, which speeds up VAT refunds. So, when it comes to pairing, the state will refund VAT on the same day, which will change the way it functions and greatly affect the reduction of the gray economy. Also, it is security for the domestic economy, but also for foreigners who come to do business in our country,” he stated.
Mali referred to the “My first salary” program and said that it was the right way to pay attention to young people who needed their first work experience, as well as that more money would be set aside for those purposes next year.
The Minister of Finance thanked the citizens who are participating in the prize game “Take the bill and win”, whose first draw will be organized on Saturday, November 21, because their participation helps suppress the gray economy.
“The goal is to raise the awareness of citizens that when we buy, we always ask for a fiscal invoice to be issued to us. Part of that money goes to the state, and the state returns it to the citizens through the construction of hospitals, schools, highways, we invest in infrastructure, raise salaries and pensions,” he concluded.

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Serbia Energy News