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Serbia satisfied with estimations on Renewable energy sources share in electricity production

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Ministry of infrastructure and energy received the draft of final report on Renewable energy sources usage share in Serbia, the report that has to be approved by Energy community of South East Europe, stated Mr. Milos Banjac assistant minister. He stated for Euroactiv that the report is in accordance with estimations of Serbian government and reminded that the draft report will be used for goals setting which Serbia will have to fulfill until 2020 in increasing the RES share in energy production.

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We got the preliminary final report from Greek Center for Renewable energy sources CRES, and we agreed with this report. The report contains data we aniticipated already, stated Mr.Banjac and added that he cant speak about details of the report.

During goals setting in accordance with EU directive on RES, data that will be taken into count will be data coming from 2008, that share is increased with rate of 5,5,%, but also domestic GDP will be taken into account also.

Preliminary analysis that was produced by CRES showed that 25% of the energy is coming from RES so there was a possibility that Serbia is faced with too high and demanding goal of targeted new goal of 32% which will have to be accomplished by 2020 which would be extremely expensive for Serbia.

According to the earlier statistical data of Serbian institutions RES share was 14% and largest share was coming from hydro power sources, big hydro power plants and biomass use. Those investigations however did not included all data on biomass consumption because they were based only on wood traders. For exact results for biomass area the challenge was the existence of black market of biomass, illegal wood cutting and use of forest in private properties.  

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Serbian authorities negotiated within Energy community on decreasing the starting points and rate of increase during the 2020 goals, as Serbia would have shorter adjustment period and deadlines and bigger increase percentage in comparison with EU members because they started their program realization in 2008. Serbia asked the annual increase rate of 0,5%, total rate set on 4%.




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Serbia Energy News