The Wine of Royal Serbia exhibition dedicated to little-known details from Serbia’s wine past was opened in the gallery of the House of Legates. The exhibition is accompanied by 6 lectures, 1 wine painting workshop, 11 tastings, 1 round table and 1 masterclass.
Serbia is a country of rich (and not only) wine history, culture and tradition. Nevertheless, for decades it was a great unknown, both to wine lovers from Europe and the world, as well as to those from Serbia itself.
In the last decade of the 20th century, with the arrival of a new social order, the awareness of winegrowers and winemakers began to change, and already in the first decade of the 21st century, with the import of knowledge and modern technology, a real small wine revolution began in Serbia.
Renewal of old and planting of new vineyards began, each year more and more quality grapes were harvested, and numerous awards that began to arrive from all meridians confirmed the high quality of Serbian wines. That kind of Serbian renaissance continues today. The winegrowers and winemakers did what they could. It was the turn of all others who directly or indirectly participate in the Serbian wine scene.
Their task is to show the world a new, beautiful face of Serbia, but also to point out the rich tradition of Serbian winemaking and viticulture. On the basis of this task, Zoran Rapajić, a citizen of Belgrade, a wine lover and collector of wine antiques, had the idea of organizing a series of art exhibitions composed of exhibits from his personal collection.
By the way, the “Zlatna kruna” collection was created in 2001, when the first bottle of small Hvar plavac “Medvid bod” from the 1997 vintage arrived in Belgrade. From then until today, the number of valuable exhibits has grown and greatly exceeded the number of 1,000 pieces. In addition to old wine and brandy bottles, there are also books, magazines, historical documents, wine and brandy labels, postcards, photographs, works of art and other items dating from the mid-19th century to the present day. The collection was named after the wine line of the great Zemun winemaker Bruno Moser, and those labels are an integral part of this collection.
Each of the exhibits is part of an unusual wine story, 12 of the most interesting of which are presented in the book of the same name, which is also a kind of catalog of this collection. All these stories combine parts of our history, tradition, cultural-historical and wine heritage. They stretch through the most important wine regions of Serbia, survive wars and sufferings, enter royal courts, household cellars, vineyard houses, inns, oenological stations, cooperatives, vine nurseries.
In the heart of Belgrade, in the Legate House Gallery at Knez Mihajlova 46, from May 10 to June 10 this year, visitors will have the opportunity to see more than 200 original exhibits, hear some of the most beautiful wine stories in Serbia, enjoy wine tasting at thematic workshops, learn more at book promotions and lectures, buy unique souvenirs and much more.
Entrance to the exhibition is free, and the gallery is open every day, except Mondays, from 12:00 to 20:00. Each of the accompanying events is related to the theme of the exhibition, and you can find more about the dates and how to register at