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Startups from Serbia – the best innovations to reduce air pollution

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Serbian startups “Nanobile”, “Dr. Agro” and “City and Me” participated in the finals of the regional competition for the best innovation for reducing air pollution in the Balkans called BASF Start-up Science, writes the Energy Portal. The first place went to a startup from Slovenia. This startup came up with the idea for biodegradable packaging made from milk proteins.
The mentioned startups presented themselves with ideas for the so-called smart transport, sustainable agriculture and communication between the city and the citizens, all with the aim of reducing pollution.
“Startup “City and Me” enables active communication between the city and citizens. One segment of our application is that users are rewarded for their activities, so for example, for 50 kilometers covered by bicycle, they receive a token for half an hour of free parking or theater tickets. In addition, with the help of “City and Me” it is possible to organize various activities, such as the collection of recyclable waste in buildings. This startup is currently functioning in Nis”, explained Aleksandar Stamenkovci, one of the founders of the startup “City and Me”.
The BASF Start-up Science competition is the largest regional competition in the field of sustainable development and is intended for startup ideas from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. The innovators addressed, among others, environmental transport issues, parking solutions and opportunities for sustainable agriculture, BiF reports.

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Serbia Energy News