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Surplus with CEFTA totals USD 745.5 million

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Serbia recorded USD 745.5 million worth of surplus in trade with CEFTA countries which is mostly the result of export of agricultural products.

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This was announced on Monday by the Statistical Office..

Since January, Serbia mostly exported cereals and cereal-based products, various beverages and, iron and steel to CEFTA countries.

At the same time, the products which were most imported included stone coal, coke and briquettes, iron and steel, electricity, as well as fruit and vegetables.

In this period, Serbia’s export totaled USD 1.62 billion, while imports added up to USD 871.8 million, which means that the export-import coverage totaled 185.5 percent.

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In 2011, Serbia recorded surplus of around USD 1.5 billion in trade with CEFTA countries which was also the result of import of agricultural products.

The CEFTA region is a rare market where Serbia’s economy – overall plagued by a trade deficit – continues to report positive results.

According to the stake in Serbia’s total export, it is the second most important market, after the EU region.

Source B92

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