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Tag: business

The Serbian music industry: A growing economic force

Recent research conducted by the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade sheds light on the significant economic impact of the music industry in Serbia. With...

Russian investment in Serbian real estate surpasses €180 million in 2023

Russian nationals poured over €180 million into Serbian real estate in 2023, equivalent to the entire real estate market of Niš, according to Ivana...

Survey reveals financial and entrepreneurial expectations on inflation trends

In a recent survey conducted by the Ipsos agency, it was revealed that professionals in the financial sector anticipate a 4.2 percent inflation rate...

National Bank of Serbia refines draft law on group financing to support startup ecosystem growth

The National Bank of Serbia (NBS) is in the process of refining the Draft Law on Group Financing, aiming to ensure comprehensive review and...

Priorities for Serbia’s economic growth

Professor Milojko Arsić from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade emphasized today that the primary objective of Serbia's new government should be to foster...

Serbian businesses seek relief as electricity prices soar

In a span of just two years, Serbia has not only caught up with but surpassed all other countries in the region in terms...

Decline in cow’s milk production: A look at prices and trends in 2023

In 2023, there was a notable decline in the production of cow's milk within domestic dairies, dropping by 7.5 percent compared to the previous...

Understanding and utilizing research and development tax incentives in Serbia

In contrast to a decade-old tax credit that spanned the entire economy but was later discontinued, tax incentives for research and development (R&D) in...
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