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Tag: open balkans initiative

Serbia external relations briefing: Berlin Process vs. Open Balkan Initiative: (EU)compatible or not

Summary In 2003, the European Union made a promise of accession to the Western Balkan region. Twenty years after, it hasn’t been fulfilled yet. The...

“Open Balkan” starts functioning from this fall

Ratification of the agreement in the assembly of North Macedonia is awaited, after which technical protocols should be signed as a basis for launching...

Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania establish a joint digital tourism platform

The Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Tatjana Matić, said today, after a meeting with the Minister of Tourism and Environment of Albania, Mirela...

Number of trucks between Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania increased by 13%

From January 1st to the end of May, thanks to the Open Balkans initiative, the number of trucks traveling between Serbia, Albania and Northern...
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