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Tag: russia

Serbia has enough gas, it will not increase in price until the end of May

The director of Srbijagas, Dušan Bajatović, stated today that Serbia has enough gas and that it will not increase in price until May 31. Bajatović...

Enough gas, transport and price are not affected by the conflict in Ukraine

The General Director of Srbijagas, Dusan Bajatovic, told Tanjug today that enough gas has been provided, and that its transport to Serbia is not...

Gas arrives in Serbia through “Turkish Stream”

The West has only not imposed sanctions for the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine because the European Union needs blue fuel when others...

Stanojevic: We have enough oil and gas

Oil is coming to Serbia from the Middle East and that direction is not endangered by the conflicts in Ukraine, and we also have...

Can the price of gas reach 2,000 dollars and does Serbia have reason to worry?

Conflicts in Ukraine have currently affected world stock markets. First, oil crossed the psychological limit of 100 dollars per barrel, and then gas prices,...

What impact does the conflict in Ukraine have on the Serbian economy?

While the eyes of the world are on Eastern Europe, the events in Ukraine are being closely monitored in Serbia as well. Some of...

Businessmen are waiting for the outcome of the Ukrainian crisis

The business of our companies with Russia and Ukraine has been hampered due to problems in the transfer of money, transport and logistics, as...

The Serbian Chamber of Commerce has formed a Crisis Team

The Serbian Chamber of Commerce has formed a Crisis Team whose task is to help businessmen solve problems that are a consequence of events...
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