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Tag: russia

Gas is coming to us through the safe Balkan current

The situation in Eastern Europe, the tension between Russia and Ukraine this time, will not, as ten years ago, have a negative impact on...

“Half of Europe will freeze, gas will not become more expensive in Serbia”

After Vladimir Putin recognized the breakaway Ukrainian regions as independent states yesterday and sent the Russian army to them, oil prices rose immediately. The President...

What is behind the pressure on our country to change its energy policy

There is no substitute for Russian gas in Serbia or Europe. The US administration is using the Ukrainian crisis in an attempt to get...

There is simply no liquefied gas for Serbia

One is the stories of politicians, including Escobar, and the other is the reality that gas experts know, and that is that there is...

America is asking us to give up Russian gas?!

Apart from the already well-known request to loosen ties with Moscow and Beijing, a new one has now emerged at the top of the...

“Expo Russia-Serbia 2022” from March 16 to 18 in Belgrade

The sixth international economic exhibition "Expo Russia Serbia 2022" and the sixth Belgrade Business Forum will be held from March 16 to 18, 2022...

Serbia is threatened by even more “peppery” prices of imported electricity

The refusal of the Russian state company Gazprom to deliver additional quantities of "blue energy" to the countries of the European Union to fill...

Serbia gets new gas infrastructure to Bulgaria, but there is no gas

As things stand now, Serbia will get new gas infrastructure to the border with Bulgaria in a year and a half, which we started...
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