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Tag: srbijagas

Serbia, EPS energy company reforms are in the sake of good business

The Supervisory Board of Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) adopted changes to the founding act and the new Statute, which is part of the transformation process...

Serbia, Why will gas prices rise from May?

The increase in gas prices for consumers in Serbia, which will follow on May 1, will not be due to market reasons, but solely...

Serbia has already reserved 300 million cubic meters of gas in the LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis

The general director of Srbijagas, Dušan Bajatović, said today that Serbia has already reserved 300 million cubic meters of gas in the LNG terminal...

Serbia, New gas storage in ÄŒestereg

It is about a gas field that is near the end of exploitation, and is located right next to "Banatski dvor" and where about...

What awaits Serbia in 2023

Is the glass half full or half empty? The impressions from the past 30th Kopaonik Business Forum could be reduced to this dilemma. Anyone who...

Serbia, What can the new gas distributor bring

The announced reform in Srbijagas, as well as the separation of the gas sector for the sake of the liberalization of that market in...

Serbia, Gas prices will rise at least once this year, probably twice

Gas prices will rise at least once this year, probably twice, General Director of Srbijagas Dušan Bajatović announced at the Kopaonik Business Forum, adding...

The state gave Srbijagas a guarantee for another 225 million euros of debt

The state will provide a guarantee for the loan of JP "Srbijagas" in the amount of 225 million euros increased by the amount of...
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