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The action of Srbijagas for connections to the gas network with interest-free payment begins

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At the presentation of the business of this public company and the new model of connecting households to the gas distribution network, he announced an action for connecting households to the gas pipeline so that the price for the whole of Serbia will be 780 euros in 36 monthly installments, without collateral. As he said, the risk will be taken over by Srbijagas.
On the other hand, interested households will solve the issue of internal installations on their own, and Srbijagas will enable them to complete the work favorably by concluding contracts with several companies. Also, they will try to give up the connection fees, which range from 400 to 1,200 euros, by amending the Rulebook of local self-government.
“These days, we will inform all potential individual consumers about the new connection model. Anyone who wants to will be able to connect to the network immediately. This model is good and will certainly mean great benefits for all those who have not yet connected to the gas.”
The gasification of Kraljevo started today, the Pozarevac district is currently under construction, the Kolubara district will start soon, and then the construction of the Belgrade-Valjevo and Leskovac-Vranje gas pipelines will begin,” said Bajatovic.
As he says, although Vojvodina is almost completely gasified, new conditions are being created for consumers in Zrenjanin, Bac, Shido, Bela Crkva, Kovacica, Irig and Frushka Gora.
“We are also building large supply gas pipelines. With all these projects, opportunities will be created for between 300,000 and 500,000 new connections. Because gas is not only the most economically advantageous energy source, but also an ecological fuel. Higher consumption of that fuel will reduce pollution and increase the quality of life in every sense. And that is our goal,” concluded the first man of Srbijagas.
The fact that gas will not increase in price and that Srbijagas provides facilities for connecting to the gas network may motivate a larger number of consumers in Serbia to decide to heat their homes with this fuel from the next winter season, according to the expert public.
The Secretary General of the Gas Association of Serbia, Vojislav Vuletic, pointed out recently for Danas that the frozen price and the initiated action should motivate those who are thinking of joining gas to really do so.
– This is a very favorable offer. Gas heating is not expensive, and it has been announced that with the beginning of the heating season this year, its price will not change. The price of the connection will also be optimized, so those who decide to take this step will pay the connection with the gas bills without interest. I think that this is a good move, completely acceptable for the interests of consumers – said Vuletic.
According to him, gasification in Serbia is an important and necessary process that needs to be implemented.
– When it comes to that segment, our country is behind the world. That process stopped in Serbia during the 1990s because of everything we faced in that period. After that, gasification started, but with a big delay. Therefore, it is very important that this process is as intensive as possible and that as many consumers as possible decide to connect to the gas network. In order to achieve that, it is necessary for it to become a strategic orientation of the state – Vuletic believes, 021 reports.

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Serbia Energy News