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The best forecasts were pessimistic, Serbia will be first and second in Europe

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The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that today he received a flash estimate of GDP growth for the second quarter for most European countries, according to which Serbia is second in Europe, and in the first half of the year, as he says, it is first.
“Serbia is currently second in Europe. For the first and second quarters, half a year, we are still the first in Europe. Only Lithuania is ahead of us at the moment, everyone else is far behind. Our revised estimate for the better from -14.4 to 9.9 turned out to be pessimistic, so it will be -6.3 to -6.5 in the second quarter, and in the first half we expect it to be -0.9 to – 0.1, which is certainly the best result in Europe,” said the President.
Vucic also said that in July we had an excellent revenue side, higher than our best projections.
“Yesterday was the last day for all our income, so we waited for it with anxiety. We had a great income, unexpected, higher than our best projections. So we are very satisfied with the situation in the budget for July. It was much harder in April, May, when we had the most difficult measures due to the coronavirus,” said Vucic at the laying of the foundation stone for the Covid hospital in Batajnica, BizLife reports.

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Serbia Energy News