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The reorganization plan of Srbijagas will be implemented, the goal is to develop the gas sector

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The reorganization plan of Srbijagas adopted by the Government will have to be implemented, and the Ministry of Mining and Energy is ready to provide support in all activities assigned to the management of that company, is the message from today’s first meeting of the operational technical working group for monitoring the Government’s conclusion on reorganization of Srbijagas.
State Secretary at the Ministry of Mining and Energy Jovanka Atanackovic said after the meeting of the working group with the director of Srbijagas Dusan Bajatovic that the plan adopted by the Government must be implemented, and its goal is for Serbia to get a developed and profitable gas sector.
“Srbijagas is also the bearer of large investments in the gas sector, and now, as well as in the future, that company must be able to realize them efficiently,” said Atanackovic, the relevant ministry announced.
They added that “no one can oppose the implementation of the decisions of the Government of Serbia and no one will stand in the way of that, whether it is from Srbijagas, Transportgas or Distribucijagas.”
“Deadlines for the implementation of activities defined by the plan are short, but achievable, and they should lead to Srbijagas, Transportgas and Distribucijagas Srbija harmonizing their functioning with the Law on Energy,” Atanackovic said.
As she explained, the fact that these companies currently do not have licenses and are not certified for the activity they perform is in contradiction with both domestic laws and obligations towards the Energy Community, and “it is not something that can be tolerated.”
Assistant Minister of Mining and Energy Sasa Stojanovic said that the process of reorganization of Srbijagas requires interaction and that it is not possible to implement it unilaterally, and that the ministry is available for any institutional assistance in order to realize the tasks in accordance with the deadlines.
“The biggest burden of reorganizing Srbijagas lies on the management of Srbijagas, they are the ones who must implement the plan adopted by the Government. The deadlines adopted by the Government are indisputable, none of us has a mandate to change it, and the director of Srbijagas is aware that the Government’s decision must is implemented,” Stojanovic said.
He stated that it was a surprise that the director of Srbijagas came to the meeting without associates, but he cited preparations for the commissioning of “Balkan Stream” as the reason.
“What Srbijagas will certainly do by the first half of January is the harmonization of all founding acts of Srbijagas with the Law on Public Enterprises and the decision they made earlier, but did not act upon it,” said Stojanovic.
As he announced, at the next session of the working group, the topic will be the decision of the Supervisory Board on increasing the founding capital in the company Transportgas, in order to create conditions for certification and, later, for the transfer of assets and obtaining a license.
“They will also submit the names of their representatives in the working group of the Government that will be formed next week, which will include representatives of the Republic Property Directorate, the Republic Geodetic Authority, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, the Energy Agency, and all institutions that should monitor the process of reorganization of Srbijagas,” said Stojanovic, Novi Magazin reports.

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Serbia Energy News