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The state, economy and citizens together for a green Serbia

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Today, after signing the agreement on cooperation with the association “Renewable Energy Sources”, the Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, stated that more work will be done on the production of energy from renewable sources, because Serbia’s vision is at least 40% of energy produced from those sources.

Mihajlovic reminded that yesterday, the parliament adopted a set of laws from mining and energy, which represent the basis for further development and energy transition of Serbia.

“This agreement also means an invitation to investors to come and invest in Serbia, because there is a lot of potential, and we have made all procedures efficient and fast and to get good prices and new gas, biomass, wind and solar power plants through competition and competition. So far, the most has been invested in wind farms and the most installed megawatts are from them, but there is no reason not to get more energy from solar power plants, for example,” the minister said, according to her cabinet.

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She estimated that more investment in renewable sources means that citizens will live healthier, and more solar panels on roofs and better energy efficiency mean more cleaner energy, on the road to energy transition.

The manager of the association “Renewable Energy Sources”, Danijela Isailovic, said that the adoption of the Law on Renewable Energy Sources, the first Serbian law that defines green energy, is great news for all investors.

“Our goal is to improve the investment environment and business climate in Serbia. We are glad to share values and goals with the Government of Serbia and the Ministry, because we want more energy produced from RES. We will work together on the promotion of green energy and educating citizens about the importance of renewable sources,” said Isailovic.

The signing of the agreement was also attended by Zsuzsana Hargitai, EBRD Director for the Western Balkans, Kimo Lahdevirta, Ambassador of Finland, Jahel Villan, Ambassador of Israel, Kun Adam, Ambassador of Belgium, Ibrahim Aldarmaki, Deputy Ambassador of the UAE, and Christian Schilling, Head of Development Cooperation of the German Embassy.

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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Director for the Western Balkans Zsuzsana Hargitai said that this spring, Serbia changed its speed with the adoption of a package of laws in the field of mining and energy, which made a huge step forward, in just two months.

“The good news is that Serbia’s debts in this area will not grow because there are a lot of investors ready to come and invest in RES. We force them to compete and offer the best prices and conditions in energy production. The first auctions will be related to wind power production. We are here to provide support, both in energy production, and to support investments in networks, so that they would be able to receive energy from RES,” she said.

The Ambassador of Finland, Kimo Lahdevirta, said that he was glad that they were one of the founders of the association “Renewable Energy Sources” and that Finland showed great commitment to the further development of RES in Serbia, and that in the future there will be more Finnish companies in this market.

Israeli Ambassador Jahel Vilan said that he was proud that Israel was Serbia’s partner in the field of renewable energy sources. He added that Israel invests a lot in RES and that they also found natural gas in the Mediterranean, and that this is another initiative that can help gas come to Serbia as well, Danas reports.

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Serbia Energy News