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The submission of requests to Serbian banks for relief has begun

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Citizens and companies can already apply for measures, ie reliefs in servicing financial obligations that were introduced by the decisions of the National Bank of Serbia.
The Executive Board of the NBS adopted Decisions on Interim Measures for Banks for the Purpose of Adequate Credit Risk Management in the Conditions of the Covid 19 Pandemic and on Interim Measures for Financial Leasing Providers.
They prescribe the measures and activities that banks and financial leasing providers are obliged to apply in order to adequately manage credit risk, which means timely identification of potential difficulties with debtors and taking appropriate steps.
Banks and lessors are obliged to publish a notice on their website and in their branches no later than December 22, informing the debtors about the possibilities of submitting a request for relief, as well as about the conditions that the debtor should meet.
Debtors who meet the prescribed conditions can submit a request for relief to a bank or financial leasing provider electronically or by mail, as well as in business premises until April 30 of the following year.
Due to the current epidemiological situation, debtors are still advised to submit requests electronically.
The latest package of measures of the NBS, unlike the first two moratoriums, is not intended for everyone, but only for those who are not able to pay their financial obligations, B92 reports.

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Serbia Energy News