Wheat producers in Serbia rejected today the calculation of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of Serbia, Branislav Nedimović, that the earnings on wheat with an average yield of five tons per hectare is 700 euros, as incorrect both because of the yield and the cost of sowing.
Farmer Bojan Nikolić from the vicinity of Rača told Beta that there is no question that in Šumadija the average per hectare is five tons, because there was both hail and drought and most farmers have a yield of about 3.3-3.4 tons per hectare, but not all.
“The cost of sowing per hectare was about 110,000 dinars, which means that to cover the costs of sowing and renting the land, it is necessary to sell three tons, at the price of wheat of 35 dinars per kilogram, and 100 euros remain for depreciation and our work, provided that we had , such a ‘good’ yield for this year,” said Nikolić.
Minister Nedimović said yesterday that farmers with an average yield of five tons per hectare earn 700 euros per hectare.
Nikolić said that he worked all year and when he calculates the depreciation of the machines, the question is whether there will be anything left to pay for his work.
The president of the Independent Association of Serbian Farmers, Jovica Jakšić, said that the average yield of wheat in Banat is 4.5 tons per hectare, and that it is lower in other parts of Serbia.
“I cultivate 300 hectares of land and the costs of sowing wheat per hectare were about 100,000 dinars, without the costs of land lease, depreciation and our work”, said Jakšić.
He added that the cost of renting land in Vojvodina is from 500 to 700 euros per hectare and that most large farms have to rent land because no one owns more than 10-15 hectares.
The income per hectare is, as he said, 175,000 dinars if wheat is sold at 35 dinars, provided that the maximum yield is five tons.
“When the price of land lease is added to the 100,000 dinars of basic costs for mineral fertilizer, fuel, protective means, there is hardly anything left for depreciation of machines and our work,” said Jakšić.
The president of the Stiga Farmers’ Association, Nedeljko Savić, said that on his 120-hectare estate, he achieved a wheat yield of 5.5 tons per hectare, but that he had invested as much as possible and applied all agricultural machinery, and that the costs of sowing were about 123,000 dinars, and that he would remain 300 euros per hectare for work and depreciation.
He added that last year he had a yield of eight tons per hectare, but the price of wheat was around 20 dinars, and that this year wheat is more expensive and costs 35 dinars, but that the drought took its toll and reduced the yield.
“Not all of them had maximum yields this year of about five tons, about 50 percent achieved between 3.5 and 4.2 tons,” Savić said.
He added that the farmers with the best yield this year of about 5.5 tons per hectare are not at a loss, but that the earnings are low, and that those who, for various reasons, lack of fertilizer or bad weather, had lower yields are also at a loss, Novi Magazin reports.