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Serbia, US sign MoU in field of infrastructure

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Minister of Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and US Ambassador Kyle Scott signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the field of infrastructure.

This took place on Thursday in the presence of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, Beta agency reported.

Mihajlovic and Ross concurred that the memorandum of understanding in the field of infrastructure between Serbia and the US provided an excellent opportunity for a greater engagement of U.S. construction and all other companies in Serbia, stated the Ministry of Infrastructure, Construction and Transportation.

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“I expect the arrival of even more U.S. companies to bring about an improvement of the overall business environment in Serbia, the arrival of new technologies and knowledge, so that we increase the efficiency of our investments in infrastructure. For me, this is the most significant thing in this memorandum,” Mihajlovic said.

Ross welcomed the implemented economic measures and the results Serbia had accomplished in the previous period, saying that he believed Serbia was a good place for investments, the statement reads.

This agreement between Serbia and the U.S. is important for infrastructure, but it has great symbolic meaning for securing even better relations between Serbia and the US, Ross stated.

During the meeting with Ross, Mihajlovic stressed the government’s good cooperation with companies from the US, which employ more than 16,000 people in Serbia, while the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia (AmCham), which rallies more than 200 companies, employs around 100,000 people.

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“And that is why it is important to have more companies from America,” Mihajlovic said.

She presented Ross with a gift of a gold-embroidered stylized letter “R”, handcrafted by women from villages in Serbia. Mihajlovic gives these as gifts to foreign officials within the initiative called Employing 1,000 Women in Rural Areas, which the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality is realizing in cooperation with the Ethno-Network and the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED).

Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News