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In 2020, investments in fixed assets in Serbia are lower by 0.6 percent

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Investments in total fixed assets in Serbia were lower by 0.6 percent last year, while the decline in investments in new fixed assets was 0.7 percent compared to 2019, the Republic Bureau of Statistics announced.
Investments in total fixed assets amounted to 8.4 billion euros, of which investments in new fixed assets were 7.8 billion euros.
In the Belgrade region, 48.6 percent of total investments in fixed assets were realized, 30.7 percent of them arrived in Vojvodina, while in the regions of Sumadija and Western Serbia, and Southern and Eastern Serbia, slightly more than 10 percent of investments arrived.
During 2020, the most money for investments in fixed assets, 73.1 percent, was allocated from own funds, while every five investment euro, 21.4 percent, were from financial loans.
The largest increase in investment in fixed assets of 21.1 percent was in the sector of electricity and gas supply, an increase of 20.6 percent was in health care, followed by state administration, defense and social insurance with a growth of 19.8 percent.
The biggest drop of 26.9 percent was in the transport and storage sector.
According to the absolute amounts, the largest investments in fixed assets were in the processing industry, followed by the state administration and defense, followed by traffic and storage, Nova reports.

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Serbia Energy News