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The German Development Finance Instutution is investing in a Serbian company for IT and major appliances

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The German Development Finance Institution (DEG) has approved the company “Tehnomanija d.o.o.” 10 million euros loan for investment in IT infrastructure and redefining and modernization in the area of logistics and distribution processes and operations, which are the two main pillars of the company’s transformation from a leading domestic retailer in the area of electronic and electrical devices to a regionally present e-tailer with the aim of expanding the range and business model.
DEG has been present in Serbia for many years – both through placements in the banking sector of Serbia, and through financial placements in the economy.
General Manager of the company “Tehnomanija d.o.o.” Matija Protić points out that the company has got a serious financial partner:
– The decision of DEH to provide long-term financing for the company is an obvious expression of great confidence in our business model. We are in the process of digital transformation of the company with the goal of Tehnomanija from a retail company to grow into an e-tail company, which will become a regional leader through omnichannel sales of a large number of different product categories. The focus of the company in the coming period is to develop e-commerce business and offer the customer a unique shopping experience with a wide range and first-class service. As the most important steps in this transformation, we decided to modernize our IT and logistics infrastructure. The company is in the final phase of implementing 14 SAP modules as an ERP solution, which together with Salesforce will be the basis of our future IT infrastructure. The supply chain as the key to customer success is in the process of being transformed into a model that uses the big names of e-commerce. I am sure that through the investment cycle we have started, we will realize the vision we have and become a leader in the region – said Protić.
– We are pleased that DEG can support the successful development of the company Tehnomanija. Tehnomanija is an extremely important retailer in the field of consumer electronics in Serbia. DEG will support Tehnomanija in raising the quality of services to its customers to a new, higher level – said Monica Beck, a member of the DEG’s Board of Directors.
“Tehnomanija d.o.o.” is the market leader in Serbia, present through more than 160 retail stores and 3 online shops, with as many as five million visits per month. The company is a pioneer of online sales in Serbia – in 2002 it opened its first domestic online store. “Tehnomanija d.o.o.” is present on the Serbian market with more than 600 brands, cooperates with over 150 suppliers and operates in 70 cities. Today, it is one of the strongest traditional brands in Serbia, where more than 1,900 employees care about customer satisfaction. “Tehnomanija d.o.o.” aims to become successful and regionally, to enter the map of major e-tailers in Europe, as a synonym for a reliable and recognizable partner in everyday shopping, Telegraf reports.

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Serbia Energy News