The total needs of this country are reduced to about 30,000 cattle a year
The meat industry “Kazazi” from Durres in Albania and the Association “Agroprofit” from Novi Sad reached an agreement on the export of live beef and beef to this country. Slaughterhouses from Albania visited several farms in Serbia and are satisfied with the offer, so it is expected that the selling price will be at that level, the association announced.
They note that the start of work is expected in the second half of March due to the need for the association to choose a reliable exporter and butcher, because as a non-profit organization it does not deal with such business. Payment for live cattle and meat is before delivery, and it will start with the export of 40-60 cattle a week. At the beginning, farmers members of the Production Group in the Association “Agroprofit” participate in this work, which currently has about 4,100 cattle in fattening. Albania’s total beef needs have been reduced to about 30,000 cows a year.
However, as they point out, their slaughter industry, due to consumer standards, offers the most beef on the market there.
With the development of tourism by the sea in Albania, there is a growing interest among hoteliers for quality cattle and storage of these goods.
– In recent days, the association has conducted a detailed analysis of the cost of fattening and the impact of the latest increase in grain prices on the price of cattle, and food stocks at farmers have been considered. We suggest to breeders that if they have food stocks from last year, they should not sell cattle until the growth of grain prices stops – they state in “Agroprofit” and point out that this break in sales will be useful to check the selling price to cover investment costs and procurement of calves.
They warned the breeders that the worst option is when the fattened one is sold in June, and the farmer does not have the money to renew the fattening.
Cedomir Keco, a representative of this association, also referred to the regulation of the export of several agricultural products and believes that due to the overall situation, there were enough reasons to make such a decision. He notes that it is no longer important whether wheat and corn are in silos, private barns or the warehouse of state commodity reserves – the most important thing is that they stay in the country.
– We currently have only slightly less wheat in stock than our annual needs for bread production, and we will have a new wheat grinder in September – he points out.
Due to the announcement of the export ban, domestic traders reacted immediately, so wheat in Vojvodina was sold at a price of 33 to 34.50 dinars per kilogram, mostly to companies that kept the goods in their warehouses. Considering that all larger mills provided stocks earlier, at a lower price than the current one, Keco notes that before the harvest, they will know how much grain our traders have for export.
– They estimated that wheat paid at 35 or 36 dinars per kilogram in exports, which will certainly follow this year, will not lose the planned profit, although there is a risk in the whole business – says our interlocutor.
According to him, the stocks of corn in Serbia are more difficult to calculate, because many grain was stored in their own warehouses, and many left corn in the cob and they plan to crown it in April. It is easier to calculate the consumption of corn in livestock than stocks.
According to the number of large cattle, cattle, pigs, sheep, but also poultry, our cattle breeders consume about 4,500 tons of corn per day for the needs of their flocks and flocks, through groats and for animal feed.
According to his calculations, a stock of 1,250,000 tons of yellow grain is enough until the new harvest.
– Consumption of corn in animal feed increases in the spring, when a quality mixture is used for fattening chickens. However, many households no longer see profitability in this business, nor in fattening pigs, so this increase, apparently, will not happen – Keco points out and adds that when comparing corn consumption and the amount in stock, our farmers can be confident in the business they are engaged in, which is becoming more and more expensive precisely because of the price of cereals that they have enough on offer.
Farmers opted for sunflower because of the price
Cedomir Keco notes that the price of sunflower oil, which our country consumes 12 liters per capita, has been reached, and many farmers have already decided to sow sunflower, because they expect the purchase price to be higher than 60 dinars per kilogram.