Livestock production in Serbia has been in crisis for several decades, and the annual volume of livestock production falls by two to three percent, it was said in Sombor at the meeting “The situation in livestock – how to proceed”, organized by the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Zapadnobački district.
“The very fact that the ratio of plant and livestock production is 70:30 in favor of plant production speaks about the situation in livestock production. In the past, that ratio was 60:40 in favor of plant production.
In developed European countries, that ratio is 60:40, but in favor of animal husbandry,” said Nenad Budimirović, secretary of the Association for Animal Husbandry and Processing of Animal Products of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
The value of livestock production in Serbia last year was 176.2 billion dinars.
The number of cattle at the end of last year was around 800,000 head, which is a decrease of 6.9 percent.
The production of pigs is also in decline, by seven percent, so around 2.6 million pigs are produced in pig farming.
Poultry production is lower by 3.5 percent and on an annual level it amounts to slightly less than 15 million pieces.
Production in goat farming is around 191,000 head, which is also a decrease of 1.7 percent.
Production growth of 1.5 percent was recorded only in sheep farming, where production reached 1.7 million pieces.