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Al Dahra investiert 173 Millionen Euro in den modernsten landwirtschaftlichen Komplex in diesem Teil Europas

Al Dahra Srbija beabsichtigt, bis Ende 2022 173 Mio. EUR in den Bau landwirtschaftlich-industrieller Komplexe in Belgrader Stadtbezirken Palilula und Surčin zu investieren. Dies geht...

1,9 bis 2 Millionen Tonnen Weizen für den Export Serbiens

Landwirtschaftsminister Branislav Nedimović erklärte, dass er 1,9 bis 2 Millionen Tonnen Weizen für den Export erwartet, wenn Serbien seine Bedürfnisse befriedigt. "In diesem Jahr wird...

The National Bank of Serbia mitigated the effects of the corona crisis with 240 million euros

At the end of July, the gross foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) amounted to 13.5 billion euros, which is...

The gross foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Serbia in July increased by 800 million year on year

At the end of last month, the gross foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) amounted to 13.5 billion euros, 800...

Recommendations to employers in Serbia to respect the principles of economic empowerment of women

The Coordination Body of Serbia for Gender Equality announced today that a list of recommendations was sent to employers so that the economic principles...

Serbia has managed to sustain its economy

Serbia has taken measures that have contributed to helping small and medium enterprises - Djordjevic points out. Solidarity, cooperation, trust, mutual support, as well as...

The “My first salary” program will start next week in Serbia

The President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Cadez, announced that the "My First Salary" program will start next week, implemented by the...

Lack of honey threatens Serbia

Due to bad weather, production fell to the lowest branches, which could increase imports, but also prices on the domestic market, say the SPOS. Serbia...
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